Boat Sewage Management in the Derwent
The DEP and the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) recommend that unless you can treat your wastewater on board, you should contain it on your vessel until it can be disposed of properly on land.
In the Derwent Estuary, please use the following sewage pump-out facilities:
- the TasPorts facility on the lower landing outside Constitution Dock, in Hobart. To arrange access to this facility, please contact Southern Operations on 1300 366 742 from 0700-1600 daily or contact Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) after hours on channel 12 or 16.
- the Derwent Sailing Squadron (DSS) facility in Sandy Bay. Non-DSS members need to contact the club for access ph 6223 1977.
- the Prince of Wales Bay Marina facility in Derwent Park. Freely available all hours. For more information call the Prince of Wales Bay Marina office ph 0400 927 510.
Alternately you can organise sewage pump-out by contacting Veolia Environmental Services: 03 6244 0000, or Toxfree : 1300 869 373.
There is now very limited opportunity to dispose sewage directly into the Derwent Estuary. To do so, you need to follow the rules for Small Boats (less than 16 people) or Large Boats (more than 16 people) as outlined by the EPA in their Information for Boat Owners. For more information read the EPA Directive on The Discharge of Sewage from Certain Vessels into State Waters. See detailed maps of location where discharge is permitted.
Water sports
- Water sports such as small boat sailing, rowing, windsurfing, and water-skiing are also enjoyed at sites up and down the estuary.
- Check out the Clarence Kayak Trail.